God trusted Adam and Eve with His plan for taking back the Earth from an enemy that was here before they were.
Genesis tells us of a five-fold mandate and confirms that man has the Divine Nature of the Almighty (the DNA, if you will) to carry it out. He is, after all, made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-28).
Adam and Eve's trust in God would be evidenced by their obedience to Him in carrying out the mandate.
satan attacked that trust ("Has God indeed said...?") and they chose disobedience. It's a tragic situation when a human being, created in the very image of God, submits to a low-life serpent.
It's the same today.
When we elevate the lie of our common enemy above the trust and obedience to Our Loving Creator, we forgo the privilege of walking in our Divine Nature, and the opportunity to fulfill our mandate.
Let's be people who trust His Word, His Son. He won back our right to submit to God and to resist the enemy (James 4:7). He bought us back - redeemed us - for His higher purpose.