My kids seem to be more interested in my availability than my ability. They don't seem to care that I'm not very good at "freeze tag" (the rules are too fluid for me); they just want me to play. I'm not even all that sure that they respect my fluency in "Pig Latin" but Logan wants to speak it with me most of the time anyway.
I think God values our availability, too. We need to make ourselves available to Him for His purposes and, as often as we can, for simple fellowship with Him. That is when our instructions are sealed.
Sometimes this stuff just can't be scheduled. We must be alert to opportunities to "steal away" with Him - while alone or with others - and just be available. That means we have to shut down our outer and inner dialogue and just be with Him.
When it comes down to it, the skills - and even the language - don't really matter. It's the availability that does.
Ave-hay a-yay ice-nay ay-day.