It's remarkable to me how people setting out to change the world are deeply changed by it.
There's something about lifting our eyes and seeing the field that alters our perspective on our own life.
Mission trip after trip, whether I've gone myself or heard testimonies from others, I grow in suspicion over Jesus' motivation for sending us "...into all the world (to) preach the Gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15). Could it be He was doing that for our sake?
The same dynamics that operate THERE operate HERE. The giving of our time, the attention to a new face, the unselfish gesture, the leading of the Holy Spirit, the unrushed pace.
Surely, we CAN change nations; but what of the thought that nations can change us - making us more loving, compassionate, focused, grateful, effective, fervent - and powerful - at home?
The mission field is a great training ground for how we should live at home.