I love this scripture (Matthew 25:21, 23) and the encouragement it brings in knowing that, as we exercise the talents He has given us, we are sure to be pleasing to Our Father.
It reminds me of how important DOING is. Sure, His grace has saved us, but serving the Lord in DOING because of His Grace for us is a high form of worship, acknowledging that what He has done for and in us is worth putting into action. We were saved to save others and DOING something is a powerful way to influence your world.
The parable doesn't state, "Well SAID, good and faithful servant", or "Well LEARNED...", it says, "Well DONE...".
The exercise of our talents according to our differing capabilities, giftings and opportunities is critical to our active service in Him.
Some may pray, some sing, some write, some love, and some may give food to the hungry. Some may never leave their city and some may traverse the globe. Certainly we can't judge others for how the Lord uses the talents He has invested in them.
I have met beautiful believers in China, Japan, Africa, Russia, Italy, France, Central and South America and other parts of the world who would all define service different because of their culture and opportunities; but the Lord, Who looks on their hearts, knows the worth of their doing.
The fastest growing and largest body of believers is in China. And they are doing this without a single street preacher! Imagine if we were so narrow-minded to think that is the only way to be faithful!
In much of the world, we seem to focus on service through the church, the local gathering of believers. There is strength in these numbers, as well as a diversity that brings multiple giftings together for good. A lot is accomplished through local churches. I pray each one does its part in DOING.
In your service to the Lord, don't let anyone judge you based on what they are doing and you are not. But be certain that you are doing something that magnifies Him by exercising what He has invested in you.
Our "saying" and "learning" must be exercised through our "doing". And in this, He is pleased.