Saturday, March 7, 2009

Expectation in transition

There is a certain amount of anxiety in transition but, whether chosen or thrust upon us, our seasons of transition do not take God by surprise.

When we live surrendered to Him, our life is His - which means that change is gonna' come. It is inevitable. And as agents of change He will use transitions - that we are led to and led through - to make sure we have the proper elements in our lives to cause Christ to be formed in us.

The uncertain feeling that accompanies transition can signal us to areas in which we need to trust Him more. Remember, He sees the end from the beginning, behind the curtain that hangs between us and the "next scene" of the drama that is our lives. He is both in our present and in our future, going ahead preparing a place for us. Truly "...all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28).

Whether YOU initiated the transition or it is the result of circumstances beyond your control, God is not surprised.

Trust Him in it all, with it all, through it all.

Click here for today's Daily Bread.