I've been pondering what we in the Body of Christ need to do better in order to make a bigger splash in the world.
Without a doubt we must tend to the bedrock-core-heart issues that Jesus talked about, like loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength; and loving your neighbor as your self. Jesus couldn't have been any more clear (Mark 12:29-31).
But I'm thinking about two other things. One I'll address today, the other tomorrow.
Today's imperative:
We must take the need for personal renewal seriously.
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new". (2 Corinthians 5:17)
To choose God is to choose renewal, which means CHANGE is inevitable - He will seek to CHANGE you. You embrace it when you embrace Him. Your life after Christ MUST be different than your life before. He has made you new.
I know that the familiar habits of the old man are hard to break. Break them anyway. The attitudes and leanings and thought patterns stick to us like colors to a beachball, but cast them off!
This is do-able...you are in Christ!
Choose a habit or attitude that you have that you know is not meant to be part of the new man and eradicate it. Meditate on scripture that gives you the advantage, spend time in prayer over it, take intentional purposeful strides to correct it and watch the new man come forth!
Then move on to the next one.
This is precisely the type of activity that will change the world. People WANT to be better!
Show them how to be NEW!