It seems the scripture that has given me ample opportunity is this beautiful verse from Proverbs 15 (today's daily bread).
"A soft answer turns away wrath,
But a harsh word stirs up anger" (verse 1).
But a harsh word stirs up anger" (verse 1).
At some times I've intentionally given "a soft answer" and, at other times I've unintentionally given "a harsh word". And I can state with full confidence that this verse is true.
I like the number of times that we see Jesus respond with a soft answer or, perhaps, with silence. What an example He is for us of the Word Incarnate!
He came to show us God and, in that, showed us who we can be.
Thank God for the example of Christ in showing us that we are more than mere men, and that as James says of the way we err with our tongue, "My brethren, these things ought not to be so" (James 3:10). If they "ought not to be so" it must be possible to speak as Jesus did!
Let's not give up on a soft answer.
I'd love to hear testimony of when this worked for you. Will you share with a comment?