I Corinthians 13:9 "For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away...12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known."
Romans 8:22 "For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. 23 Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body."
We see dimly.
We see in part.
We are still groaning within ourselves for the Greater Stature.
When my wife was pregnant with my boys there seemed to be constant transitions; reminders that what we had hoped for would be delivered.
This I know about transition; it is that time when "what was" no longer works and "what will be" has not yet had a chance to succeed.
We, as the Body, continue in transition.
But what He has promised He is sure to deliver. The pangs don't lie.
I AM expecting.