Luke and I had dinner last night with some folks who had the most interesting insight into the moon-landing.
They visited Kennedy Space Center the other day and noted how powerful the vision to get us to the moon was. Kennedy said, in a speech at Rice University in September of 1962, "We choose to go to the this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard."
The technology was nowhere near advanced enough to get us there, but the vision and the resolve was strong.
In the Kingdom, great things are accomplished through great vision.
When we set our hearts on a God-inspired goal, it isn't the technology or the "pieces-in-place" that carry us to success, but the vision and faith in God Who provided the vision, that insures our victory.
What God-inspired visions do you carry in your heart?
With the Word in our hands, the Word in our heart, Godly counsel, and faith and vision for victory, we join God as partners in the "all things are possible" realm.