Monday, January 11, 2010

The Best Teacher

I saw an article in the newspaper over the weekend about the "Teacher of the Year Award".

It caused me to ponder from whom I am being best-taught right now.

I've heard that "experience is the best teacher", and certainly I can see how that can be true. But what about examples?

I've had many traditional teachers, in the positional sense, through college and graduate school and through years of sitting under ministers with a leaning towards the teaching gifts. But what of the examples that I've had the experience of learning from? I'm thinking of people who have gone before me or through something and been transparent enough to let me learn from their experience.

Ordinary people encountering tremendous challenges have inspired and taught me. My sons, in moments of humility or child-like faith, have taught me. My wife, in withholding her tongue or being amongst the best secret-holders when it comes to the confidence of a friend, has taught me. Undeclared mentors, in dealing with the burden of being misunderstood, have taught me and, of course, Jesus Himself has taught me.

Thank God for examples in your life, and make sure you are being a good one.

Can you think of a person who has taught you through their example?