To think that I could have said to my sons (assuming they were old enough to understand my voice and I was wise enough to know), "You are going to be such-and-such when you grow up. That's all for now," is an outlandish thought.
The daily walk with them as we uncover, together, their talents and passions, likes and dislikes, failures and successes is, up to this point, one of the most rewarding parts of my life.
I love the discovery, the closeness, the figuring-it-out as I walk with them, loving them as best as I can. In the beginning they needed me desperately, and that need has grown into a wanting that forms the foundation of our love and the platform for our joy. We love being together.
To think that we want to have God tell us His ultimate will for our lives is just as outlandish.
Our daily walk with Him as He uncovers our talents and passions, likes and dislikes, failures and successes forms the foundation of our pleasure and joy in Him.
Don't get caught up in the final destination. The destination will take care of itself.
As we rely on His subtle but loving and constant direction through His Holy Spirit, we are building a wanting and reliance that develops the very best part of us - our dependence on Him. That is much better than knowing the destination.
Enjoy the journey, it's an ever-brightening path.
"But the path of the just is like the shining sun, That shines ever brighter unto the perfect day."
Q4U: How do you deal with the desire to know the "end from the beginning'?