The other day my wife said, "I think I know what heaven is like." Then she went on to talk about the moment. We were at the dinner table and all was well. Homework done. Bath-time done. Dinner done. Now just restful time together as a family.
Theologically, I don't pretend to know much about heaven. Ezekiel and Paul had a tough time describing it (Ezekiel 1; I Corinthians 2:9; 2 Corinthians 12:4; 2 Thessalonians 1:10) and they SAW it, so I don't think it falls to me this day to expound upon what I know about this glorious place. There are many folks more educated and "Seminaried" than I who would have much to add.
I can say this...
In an email I received this morning:
"Not a day passes that God does not show His love and generosity here at the farm and in my life. I am so grateful and let Him know that often. Just shooting baskets by myself in the evening I certainly feel His Being. The good thing is if I let something slip, if I miss a shot I thought I should make, there is an immediate apology, and I feel an acceptance. That is as good as it gets."
I read that email, then I had the joy of sharing pancakes at my kitchen table with my wife and College students from the US, Ghana, Saint Lucia, Colombia, Kazakhstan and Congo. We laughed about stories from dramatically different childhoods. We listened intently to perspectives about God that, although we had never heard them, struck a common chord in our spirits. We reflected on the goodness and wisdom of God in His sovereign conduct of a process in each one of us that was bringing us closer to a promise. And we ate the best pancakes ever.
I don't pretend to know much about heaven. But in hoops, hotcakes or however, my heart is satisfied at just a taste.
Today I had a taste.
Click here for today's Daily Bread.