On Sunday I had the great privilege of ministering to our congregation along with 30 or so of the College and Career Group at Rock Church.
This crew is awesome.
They set aside their pride and offered praise to God by acknowledging the work He had done in their lives. They held cardboard signs that, on one side, listed a challenge, sickness, setback, addiction or sin and, on the other side, listed their testimony - the afterword of God's Presence.
One by one, as they went to the front of the platform and displayed the "before" and "after" messages, one could sense faith rising in the congregation as people identified with issues and recognized the power of God to heal, restore and redeem.
The power of a life changed by God is the best evidence of a God Who loves us. And it's in the acknowledgment of this power and of His work in our lives that I believe we give the highest praise.
It's evidence that He can take any adversity and use it as a seedbed for testimony.
When we remember this any challenge, any sickness, any setback, any addiction, any sin becomes an "occasion for testimony" (Luke 21:13) and we truly understand how "all things...work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28).
Kudos to the crew from Rock Church. You blessed me.