This is a line oft-repeated in CS Lewis' "Chronicles of Narnia" series. Pastor Kris brought a word this morning that caused that line to resound over and over in my head.
Religion has sought to tame Him over the years. Restricting, even, our perspective of Who He is.
Our perspective of who WE are has been affected, too.
In these times, particularly in these times, it does us good to remember that He is the Lion of Judah. And the same Spirit that raised Him from the dead now lives in us (Galatians 2:20)! His is not a Spirit of tameness. And the Christian life isn't for wimps.
You were created to live in wild times. It is in your DNA. Scripture confirms that Adam was created in the wild and "placed" in the garden. That means it is in you to survive and to excel in wild times!
It seems like American Christians, as never before, have been able to conduct their Christian lives 99% faith-free. We have programs, safety nets, health plans, insurances, everything we need to guarantee that we won't fail.
Scripture makes this guarantee too. But it's conditional (2 Peter 1:10). Maybe that's why we choose the safe way.
Let there be no doubt: There is a "call to the wild". It's the Wild One in you, longing to stretch out and take some ground through you. How BIG is your God? Let Him be BIG in you!
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