Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Who is Jesus for You?

A facebook and personal friend recently asked me for a favor.  She was assigned the task of asking a question of 5 people.

"Who is Jesus for you?" she asked.   What a great question!

I started to write a canned response but felt led to search my heart.
I wrote, "He is the One Who ransomed me. I was far from my intended use, which led to my ab(normal)use. He sent me His Spirit, Who dwells in me, inspiring me and giving me reason to breathe. He is my Purpose. He is my all-in-all."

I posted the question and my response to my facebook page, asking others to respond.

I thought the responses were beautiful.

What's amazing to ponder is that the responses only begin to reveal His true majesty and beauty.  At the same time, I believe that a glimpse  through ones in which He lives can be as revealing as His Word.  We are, after all, living epistles.

I thought I'd share the unedited responses.  Feel free to add yours in a comment.

Adam D:  He is Everlasting. He is abounding with grace. He takes imperfection (me) and continues to mold me, despite my short comings. He's mysterious and is not seen, but He has made himself too known to deny his existence. It is thanks to Him that I am acceptable, and all my good qualities come from Him.

Robert G:  Hebrews 1:2-4

Doug Z:  He's the anchor that I hold to in everything I face in life. He makes me understand that I am worse than I could ever possibly think, but more loved and valued than I could ever possibly imagine. He's the only thing that makes sense out of anything. Without Christ, the idea of a God is offensive. So He is my whole reason to believe in anything. It is His work that saves me, and not anything I do but put all my trust in Him. It is His love that gives me an identity, and everything else in the world pales in comparison. It is His beauty that drives me to worship, and it is His spirit that reminds me of my sonship, even when my heart condemns me.

Christina L:  He is my King and Best Friend.

Emmanuel B:  JESUS is my WAY,my TRUTH and my LIFE...

Bruce D:  Simply put, Jesus is my IT! Why I am, what I do, why I do IT! ALL FOR HIM

Josiah L:  the perfect example of the greatness of god within the simplicity of man. showing not only my difficulties but more (importantly) my potential.

Larry K:  He overwhelm's me with Joy. I Love him and he loves me. And that is such a wonderful knowledge to have. Nothing can seperate us and everything else in life at sometime we will be seperated from

Susan W:  My Saviour, my protector, my friend...

My wife (Michaell H):  My short answer is He is THE ONE.   But since you asked me to elaborate....
Jesus is The One who knew me and loved me before I knew I was known and loved. He is The One who always watched over me when I thought I was on my own. He is The One who had an amazing plan for my life while I was wondering if anything about life was wonderful. He is The One who patiently waited until I saw and clearly understood that He is THE ONE. The One True Love, filled with grace and truth and love. The One Who forgives us and shows us how to forgive others. The One who loves us and shows us how to love others. He is the only One who takes away our trash and replaces it with His treasure. He is the Only One who healed the broken things inside my heart. The One who never fails me and never tires of me when I fail. He is The One who loves the lost and The Only One who can save them, that's Who Jesus is, and that's what He did for me.

Who is Jesus for you?